SPring Garden Clean Up

Spring cleanup provides your garden with the maintenance and preventative care required to thrive in the season ahead. Caring for your garden in the Spring also reduces maintenance needed throughout the season.


Garden Maintenance

Gardens do best with ongoing attentive care. We offer fully-customizable, budgeted garden maintenance plans to help your garden thrive throughout the year.


Garden enhancement

Gardens are ever-evolving and we work with the landscape to enhance existing gardens. This can include adding, dividing, rearranging, and entirely redesigning the garden.

Landscape Management

Landscape Management

From snow removal in the winter to the ongoing upkeep of irrigation, lighting and other hardscape features, our team helps management your landscape year-round.


Our Spring Cleanup service provides your garden with the maintenance and preventative care required to thrive in the season ahead. Caring for your garden in the spring also reduces maintenance needed throughout the season, so is a wise investment because it boosts performance while reducing future maintenance needed. Spring Cleanups begin when the ground has dried and temperatures are consistently in the 50s.


Your spring garden is full of life! Bees and other beneficial insects overwinter in stems and decomposing leaves left from the last season. These critical garden inhabitants are valuable workers who need protection until spring has reliably arrived. After there have been five nights above 50°F and the ground has dried from snowmelt, we can begin cleaning-up leaves and plant debris.

We clean out your garden and weed. We also cut new garden lines as needed, to prevent turf and other ground covers from creeping into the garden bed.


When cutting back perennials in the spring, we leave varying stem lengths of 8”-24” for stem-nesting bees to lay their eggs. This also provides natural staking for the new growth and gives bees time to safely emerge from their nests.

We also hedge bushes and prune shrubs as needed.


We can also help improve the health of your garden soil by spreading compost and/or mulch. Compost provides nutrients and mulch helps seal in moisture, provides a barrier to weeds, and also adds nutrients as it breaks down. We can replace plants or sod as necessary.

We offer fully-customizable and budgeted garden maintenance plans to help your garden thrive throughout the seasons. Weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly maintenance plans are available, as well as one-off visits.



Maintenance includes weeding, maintaining garden lines, deadheading, thinning, dividing, staking, fertilization, watering, pruning & trimming, container tidying, applying rabbit scram, debris removal.


Winter protection for your trees and shrubs. May include tree wrapping, burlap, and fencing per your garden needs. Winterization also includes pruning trees and cutting back perennials.


One of the benefits of having experienced garden designers care for your garden maintenance is that we can recommend changes to your garden to optimize its flourishing. This can include adding plants to fill gaps, dividing or rearranging existing plants within the property, or entirely redesigning the garden to help plants thrive and provide you with an outdoor environment that enriches your lifestyle.

Snow Removal

If there is something Minnesota has plenty of, it is snow. Our Winter crew can help with snow removal either on an ongoing basis or for one-time contracts.

Irrigation Maintenance

Irrigation systems need periodic maintenance. Our garden staff is experienced in irrigation repair and can troubleshoot in the field if there are issues with installed irrigation. Additional maintenance can include blowing out and preparing lines for winter.

Hardscape Management

Additional hardscape management includes maintaining and troubleshoot landscape lighting, landscape sounds systems, and any installed stone care needs.